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As well as others in your field of expertise, you might sometimes find it difficult to completely assess someone's personality. Indeed, it is not a simple task to gain insight into a candidate's or employee's personality. In order to simplify this process for you, the KOAN-Personality Indicator (KOAN-PI) was developed.

This empirically based personality questionnaire helps you, for instance, to assess someone's personality and character, and to make the best choice when recruiting and selecting the right candidate for the right job.

The KOAN-PI describes a broad range of personality aspects using various scales that are divided over 5 classes.

KOAN dimensions

I Result Orientation
Pw - Power
Im - Impact
Pa - Proactivity
Rf - Resourcefulness
Am - Achievement-motivation
II Self-management
Sa - Self-assuredness
Ec - Emotional Control
Ri - Resilience
III Methodology
Re - Responsibility
St - Creating Structure
Fx - Flexibility
Ar - Accuracy
IV Social Orientation
Tm - Team-mindedness
Si - Social Interaction
Hf - Helpfulness
V Openness
Om - Open-mindedness
Is - Inquisitiveness
Em - Empathy
Sd - Social Adaptability

The results can be compiled in a personality profile report. You can choose from 3 reports :
Profile report
Competence report
User report

Click on each report to see an example.

II. KOAN-PM (Project Management) is pre-eminently the best instrument in the global market to map the competencies of Project Managers. The instrument is based on extensive empirical research.


The KOAN-PM report is extremely useful in this perspective, not only to gain clearer self-insight but also to formulate learning goals prior to the certification, thus increasing the chance to succeed.

K nowing the competencies of your Project Managers is of strategic value for your organization?
O n which Project Manager could you rely on to finish difficult tasks?
A re your ambitions in sync with the project management needs?
N ominating the best Project Manager for challenging projects is difficult for you?
P lanning to create a training strategy to stretch your Project Managers' potential?
M anpower optimisation is essential to you for the success of complex projects?

Recently, Alert Management Consultants has launched a new product, KOAN-Project Management (PM). This competency scan is based on several years of efforts on research and development. This unique instrument can help you to evaluate the competencies of your present and future project managers. As a project manager, the KOAN-PMI is a great tool to map your strengths and area’s of further growth from a project management perspective.

As preparation for the IPMA- certification:
• Extract from IPMA guidelines: “The self-assessment for each level and each stage in the applicant’s professional life is a common requirement in the IPMA certification system. The applicant should be able to assess his own competence with increasing accuracy.” As support for selection, internal promotion or setting up project groups:
• During an assessment, the candidate can be given the document for reading as an introduction for an open dialogue. By revealing the information, the ownership is shared with the candidate and all elements get debated. The candidate also gains better insight into why he is or is not the right candidate.
As basis for formulating development questions:
• The instrument can serve as a framework for making choices on developmental goals. The competencies can be used as questions to be asked during a 360° feedback cycle. The result can be compared with the personal scores in order to compare one’s own potential (the being) with the perceived behavior (the doing). This way, one has a better view on his effective professional energy balance.

The report consists of 2 parts:

The first part of the report is of a descriptive nature. THereby, we have given utmost attention to every single detail of the text. The final text revision was under the supervision of the Chief Editor of a renowned monthly publication on Project Management.

Feedback from a customer:
“What I find very useful in practice is that you look at the strengths of areas of attention for each of the four different phases in a project. My experience teaches me that people immediately take a look at these and find the small descriptions very recognizable and useful."

The second part of the report is of a predictive nature. In this part we list a number of competencies and their underlying behaviors. The score indicates the ease and probability with which the respective Project Manager exhibits this behavior.

1. Respect and commanding respect
2. Developing support
3. Creating involvement
4. Result orientation
5. Creating clarity
6. Managing information & maintaining control
7. Organisational orientation
8. Self-confidence & Flexibility
III. KOAN SALES DNA gives you a clear picture of the qualities and points of attention of a person in the field of sales. The research outcome is based on extensive empirical research with sales professionals in the center and their direct professional environment as feedback givers on a pre-defined list of sales competences.
The report consists of two parts:


The first section describes the strengths and weaknesses of a vendor as a function of the classical tripartite division.


For each domain you find the most important strengths that lead to success in sales and the points of attention that may hinder the sales success. This way you get accurate information on how to best guide the respective sales person in his professional development in the field of sales.


In the second part of the report, you find the ten competencies derived from the research as the most important ones for a sales person. Hereunder you find the list:

 1. Customer orientation
 2. Results-orientated approach
 3. Commitment to organization
 4. Influencing strategies
 5. Communicating and networking
 6. Perseverance
 7. Responsiveness
 8. Positive attitude
 9. Methods
 10. Example to others

You can find in this part of the report per sales competence 8-10 concrete behavioural indicators, each of them highlighting a facet of this competence. On each of these behavioural indicators the concerned person gets a 1-5 score that you can read as follows:
 1. Potential obstacle for getting success in sales
 2. Needs attention
 3. Meets the functional sales expectations
 4. Indicates potential for excellent performance
 5. Indicates potential for outperforming results

You can use the Koan SalesDNA report as support for

  Selection of sales staff
  Internal mobility from sales support staff to field sales functions
  Defining the training needs

Establishing your organisational blueprint of sales success

We can support you in establishing the sales profile that leads to success in your own organisation, based on data of your own successful sales people. Herewith you can map the strengths of your current team and give the best possible support. Also, you can use this blueprint to strengthen your current them by using this blueprint as a frame of reference when hiring new sales staff.


In this report we provide a detailed description of a number of competencies and points for attention based on the result of the KOAN personality questionnaire. For each competence we have listed a number of behavioural descriptions that reflect the personality of the subject of this report.

Focus: one's strong points and weaknesses within developing a professional career.

The competencies have been classified according to the following themes:


Note that the scores indicate a likelihood but that they are not an exact measurement of the subject's current behaviour. They do however give a strong indication that the behaviour described in the strengths will energise the subject and that this behaviour is spontaneous. The behaviour described under the points for attention will interfere with the subject’s success in certain circumstances and may at times greatly irritate the subject's environment.

The report consists of 3 parts that complement each other.

First part: A graphical representation of skills so that you can quickly see where the strengths and the points for attention are situated.
Second part: Strengths: in this section you will find a number of skills which are clearly an asset.
Third part: Points for attention: in this section you will find a number of skills which clearly interfere with the subject’s efficient performance.
V. KOAN Leadership Report

The KOAN Leadership report was developed in response to the market demand for qualitative leadership reports. Its findings focus explicitly on those aspects that are most pertinent in cases where a person fulfils a leading position or aims to develop toward such a role. In effect, this report is based on one of the fundamental principles of Zen Buddhism: ‘Only the essence’.

While the underlying empirical research and statistical analyzes are very complex, the information in this report is powerful in its simplicity.

The KOAN Leadership report consists of two sections:

The first section presents a list of ten strengths that the respondent can capitalize on in her personal growth as a leader.
The second section presents a list of five areas for development that may hinder the respondent in her personal growth as a leader, or even get in the way of her career development.
VI. KOAN-PI Entrepreneur Talent Report

The KOAN Entrepreneur Report was developed in response to the market demand for strong qualitative Entrepreneur reports. Its findings focus explicitly on those aspects that are most pertinent in cases where a person fulfils a role as Entrepreneur or aims to develop toward such a role. In effect, this report respects one of the fundamental principles of clear communication: ‘Only the essence’.

The KOAN-PI ENTREPRENEUR REPORT consists of three parts:

The first section presents a list of maximum 10 strengths that the respondent can capitalize on in his or her personal growth as an Entrepreneur.
The second section presents a list of maximum 5 areas for development that may hinder the respondent in his or her personal growth as an Entrepreneur, or even get in the way of turning the Entrepreneurial Endeavour into a success.
The third part contains a number of telegram-style statements that describe how the entrepreneur deals with stress.
ALTI logo


The Alert Type Indicator is a psychological instrument that provides more insight into yourself and others. It shares the ‘four-letter-code’ representation with the MBTI®. The ALTI contributes to personal developments and stimulates opportunities for growth.

The Alert Type Indicator is in the psychological type theory of the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung (1875 - 1961). Jung observed different kinds of people, and he reached the conclusion that human behaviour is not random.


Focus on external environment
Prefer to communicate by talking
Learn best through doing
Breadth of interests
Speak, think, speak
Extraversion/Intraversion type
Focus on inner worlds
Prefer to communicate by writing
Learn best by reflection
Depth of interest
Think, speak, think

Focus on new possibilities
Value imaginative insight
See patterns and meaning in facts
Abstract and theoretical attitude
Jump around, leap in anywhere
iNtuition/Sensing type

Focus on what is real and actual
Value practical applications
Factual and concrete, notice details
Observe and remember sequentially

Logical problem-solvers
Use cause-and-effect reasoning
Strive for impersonal, objective truth
Thinking/Feeling type

Assess impact on people
Guided by personal values
Strive for harmony and individual validation
Compassionate and accepting

Organization and planning
Like closure
Make decisions
Avoid stress situations
Judging/Perceiving type

Non-systematic approach
Open to change
Feel energized by last-minute pressures

E - I
N - S
T - F
J - P
when you want to know more about your Type!
Choose the letters of your Type by clicking on the letter to see a description.
Alert 360 logo


Learn from feedback. Time and again this has shown itself to be of crucial importance for the personal and professional development of managers. Feedback from people from within the immediate surroundings is indeed immeasurably valuable. Of course it is also important that the feedback comes from different angles. Alert 360° lists the reactions from superiors, colleagues and direct reports, so that you are presented with an overall picture. This way you can evaluate your own way of management, or act as coach in accompanying others in a development plan.


As leader it is no easy thing to sense what developments are needed in order to function more efficiently. Alert 360° therefore assists by means of signals from the surroundings to formulate objectives for the future. Clear, but nonetheless ambitious objectives, for which you need to stretch yourself to the limit. In this way Alert 360° is a springboard to purposeful management development. It is an investment which is fruitful in accompanying managers along the path to success.


Depending on your requirements, Alert 360° allows you to opt for a standard package, or for a version adapted in accordance with needs. The standard package consists of various scales which measure a range of competencies. If you choose the tailor-made instrument, you have the possibility of indicating yourself which skills are of importance to you and of creating a 360° report that reflects your own competencies. In this way Alert 360° provides you with a report which has been designed for your specific situation.


Alert 360° has been thoroughly researched for reliability and validity. On top of this it is based on the most important tendencies in current philosophy in the area of management. Alert 360° is therefore specifically tuned in to the requirements of modern day management.



Clear overview
The feedback report consists of two main sections. First the results are discussed in connection with a number of competencies which managers need in order to be efficient leaders. After this, problems are cited which might potentially lead to failure.
The feedback report goes from global to specific. First the average scores per scale are seen. Then each scale is split up per assessment group and per item.
Only the manager being evaluated receives the results. That person him/herself decides if he or she wishes to share the data with others.
It is not possible to derive from the report which feedback comes from which colleagues or direct reports. Their anonymity is carefully preserved. Only feedback given by a superior may not necessarily be confidential.
Simple to interpret
Alongside the report you will also receive a concise guide which acts as a key to analyzing the report. This guide will help you to review the feedback and to identify potential areas of further development.

Facet logo


The cognitive test, called Facet, is based on the idea of intelligence consisting of different facets or factors. These three global factors are verbal, numerical and visual-special skills. These three factors together give an indication of someone's general intellectual capacities.

Below you can find some examples.
This exercise consists of word pairs. The goal is to discover the relationship between the two words in the word pair. The next goal is to indicate a word pair (in the row next to the original word pair) that has the same relationship as the original word pair.
Word pair Answer 1 Answer 2 Answer 3 Answer 4 Answer 5
pencil / to draw brush paint brush painter to paint painting

In the following exercise each row consists of a series of numbers or letters that have been placed in a certain order. Every row is based on a certain system. Find out what that system is and complete the missing number or letter.
1 3 5 7 9

Which cube is the correct one?

Scanning image of cube

First version of cube Second version of cube Third version of cube Fourth version of cube Fifth version of cube
1 2 3 4 5

polyglot logo

Because Language Is Vital.

Language is vital. No doubt you will agree. This is of course seen in the overwhelming success of all kinds of language courses. On a personal level, we hear of countless people just about to go on holiday quickly going to the library to borrow a dictionary of the language of the place they are going to. On a professional level, languages are naturally of prime importance to organizations with premises in different countries. But even for national organizations linguistic ability is invaluable for external communications.


But how can you get an exact picture of someone’s linguistic ability? From a conversation alone, for example, you can have no idea of the level of someone’s written language. How can you discover what level someone is at in a particular language? And how can you be sure that he has an adequate command of his mother tongue? How can you best evaluate someone’s linguistic ability in recruitment or after a language course?


PolyGlot offers you the solution. Because language is vital.



Foreign Language Tests

It is very likely that when you think of language tests it is foreign languages that first come to mind. That is quite logical. Indeed it speaks for itself that we find foreign languages more difficult than our mother tongue. That is also why it is mainly ability of foreign languages which tends to be tested. PolyGlot therefore offers tests for non-native speakers in Dutch, French, English and German. These allow you simply and quickly to obtain a picture of someone’s ability in a foreign language.

Mother Tongue Tests

Linguistic ability is becoming more and more appreciated in our modern society. Mother tongue ability can certainly not be overlooked in this. For numerous positions where both spoken and written language are important - think of project managers, secretaries, etc. -, mother tongue ability is of prime importance, and it is by no means self-evident. PolyGlot therefore also includes language tests which indicate the degree of a person’s command of their mother tongue.

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